Here is a brief overview of some of the many innovative products that were introduced at Health & Nutrition Asia and VICTAM Asia 2022: feed probiotics, infrared spectrometers, feed additives, vaccines, dietary products for animals, and much more.
Learn how to use modern technologies and nutribiotic approaches
Come to our booth to talk to our team of experts and learn how the use of modern technologies and a nutribiotic approach can help you improve performance, increase liveability and support welfare.
Meet at Hybrid Pavilion – Booth 2190
Feed Probiotics
Meet at Booth 1255
Fourier Transform Near Infrared spectrometer
Meet at Booth 1242
Natufactant & Natupro
Natupro by Bioproton contains multiple Bacillus species that help maintain diverse gut microbiota and intestinal integrity, resulting in improved gut health and animal performance.
Adequate energy is a fundamental requirement for animals to maximize production, but the bioavailability of lipids is low, especially for young animals. The inclusion of Natufactant into the diet improves the absorption of energy from fats and oils through better emulsification and fat hydrolysis.
Meet at Booth 1250
ADHEALTH Mixed feed additives
Raw: Top-level yeast powder, non-GMO corn flour, extract of microbe fermentation.
Additional substances: Vitamins, Choline chloride, Methionine
Product Features: Functional peptide – Promote GI absorb – Improve reproductive disorders – Heat resistance – No toxicity – Enhance immunity.
Applicable objects: Pets (dogs/cats)/ornamental fish/birds/reptiles
Meet at Booth 1257
Choline chloride, Pearlzyme, ESS
2. Pearlzyme is an alkaline protease produced by Bacillus clausii. The enzyme originated from microbes that can survive in an extreme environment. It has thermal and pH stability and various substrate specificities.
3. ESS stands for “Enzyme Secretion Stimulator for Ruminants.” It will improve rumen fermentation by containing effective ingredients such as fatty acids derived from natural palm oil and an ethylene oxide compound.
Meet at Booth 1130
1. MyVAC NDV4HR. A mild live attenuated vaccine with heat resistance characteristics from the V4 strain to protect against Newcastle disease in chickens.
2. MyVAC NDS. A live attenuated vaccine from the Mukteswar ‘S’ strain (mesogenic type) to protect against Newcastle disease in chickens.
3. MyHatch UPM93. A live attenuated vaccine from a local isolate farm in Malaysia (UPM93 strain) and it is an intermediate plus type suitable to be given as an early day-old chick against infectious bursal disease in chickens.
Meet at Booth 1442
Meet at Booth 1443
Swine Genetics
The consistency of the Genesus commercial pig is the ultimate bottom line of our genetic program’s success and the key driver for our customer profitability.
Meet at Booth 1431
2. Proease is a food-grade ultra-filtrate purified cysteine protease enzyme fermented from vegetative sources. Proease demonstrates optimum stability over the range of pH 3.0 to 9.0. Its activity is effective from 10 to 90 OC. The min. concentration is 130000 FCC PU/g. An Indian patent has been registered.
3. SUPERCLAUSIITM WS contains Bacillus Clausii, which has been shown to be antidiarrheal and immune modulating. Spores of B. Clausii are resistant to many antibiotics, including erythromycin, lincomycin, cephalosporins, … It is classified as a probiotic microorganism that maintains a symbiotic relationship with the host organism.
Meet at Booth 1478
Equibioma by EUROFEED TECHNOLOGIES is an advanced combination of supreme quality for healthy intestines: nourishment; fcr improver; nutrient digestion; pH regulation; bacteriostatic-eubiosis. It reveals, in a slow manner, the active ingredients in the intestinal tract of monogastic animals. Equibioma improves intestinal enterocytes’ growth and modulates intestinal microflora and it’s able to prevent pathogen proliferation in the gut. See the flyer >
Meet at Booth 1423
Aqua clean – Aeroforte
1. Aqua-clean® by Kanters Special Products B.V., cleans and disinfects drinking water systems. Aqua-clean is based on hydrogen peroxide and enriched with a special complex containing silver. This combination ensures the heavy cleaning needed for drinking systems.
2. Aeroforte Hydrogen peroxide
Effervescent cleaner
Penetrates and breaks up biofilm
Antibacterial / disinfects water
3. Pro-Mac Stabilizer / silver complex
Prolongs the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with biofilm
Lower corrosiveness compared to other cleaning agents
Aqua-clean Flyer – Aeroforte Flyer – Pro-Mac Flyer
Meet at Booth 1310
Phytofat Ruby – Phytofat 1675
Phytofat Gold 500
1. Phytofat Ruby: An all-natural palm oil liquid that provides essential phytonutrients for pigs, poultry, rumen bypass, sheep, prawns, and fish, including Vitamin A, Vitamin E, palmitic acid, and oleic acid.
2. Phytofat 1675: Lipid phytonutrients in white powder form that provide essential phytonutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Palmitic Acid, and Oleic Acid for pigs, poultry, rumen bypass, sheep, prawns, and fish.
3. Phytofat Gold 80: A natural golden-colored lipid phytonutrients powder that contains essential phytonutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Palmitic Acid, and Oleic Acid for pigs, poultry, rumen bypass, sheep, prawns, and fish.
Meet at Booth 1318
Milk Replacer for Animal Feed
1. The Milk Replacer for Feed by Lam Tak is commonly used in piglet and calf feed and is sourced from the production waste of big MNC infant formula/milk powder factories. By the powder’s nature, it proves better digestibility and absorbability.
2. Sesame Meal is a by-product obtained after oil extraction and used as feed for livestock.
Meet at Booth 1461
Super oilgo
Meet at Booth 1316
Cefoshot Aqua – Natural Plan series – Triple-Can Aqua
1. Cefoshot Aqua: treatment of bacterial diseases (Streptococus spp.). Sensitive to Ceftiofur for Olive flounder. Dosage form: injectable powder. Composition : 1g contains Ceftiofur sodium 1,000mg (potency).
2. Natural Plan series is multifunctional nutrition for dogs. It provides a multicare supplies nutrients for the brain and prevents chronical diseases. Hip and joint care: improving chronical diseases. Skin & vessel care: after neutering helps obesity care & supplies nutrients for the brain. Eye care: provides eye health, maintain vision, tear reduction.
3. Triple-Can Aqua: validated tripled sodium disinfectant. Dosage form: powder. Composition : 1kg contains: Potassium monopersulfate 500g (potency, 2.495% as active oxygen) – Malic acid 100g – Sodium chloride 25g – Sodium hexametaphosphate 175g – Sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate 115g – Sulfamic acid 50g.
Meet at Booth B271
ML-F2 – relax-c
1. ML-F2 is an innovative feed additive which designed for better and faster growth with health for animals by combination of two different neuro-transmission mechanisms which can reduce unnecessary stress-related reactions such as tension, irritation and anxiety.
2. Relax-C is protected GABA, which helps reduce stress, tinnitus, and anxiety for Ruminant. Also, Relax-C with the production technology of MILAE BIORESOURCES is considered safe and eco-friendly due to patented strains isolated from kimchi Natural foods made through fermentation of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus series).
Meet at Booth 1130

1. ALLICOM: A powder type of feed additive to improve immune function for livestock based on garlic extract that has anti-viral and antioxidant effects.
2. ALLICOM PLUS: Stronger Replacement of antibiotics made by Garlic extract and Medicinal herbs, Ginseng powder
3. YEAST CULTURE: Premium yeast culture by using in-house yeast spawn.
Meet at Booth 1130
2. Vita Kingdom: Water-soluble granule-type complex of vitamins. Containing highly concentrated vitamins as a complex vitamin product is essential to protect animals from various diseases and environmental stresses by supplying vitamins that are lacking in the feed.
3. E U: High levels of amino acids and oligo peptides manufactured by enzymatic hydrolysis. Having an optimal amino acid profile to meet the animal’s requirements.
Meet at Booth E53
A) AMINOX (Vitamins, Minerals, Electrolytes): Active Ingredients – Vitamins A, D3, E -Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium.
B) OXYMON (Anti-Oxidant): Active Ingredients – Vitamin E, Selenium.
c) BETACOOL (Heat Stress Alleviator): Active Ingredients – Betaine – Selenium, Magnesium.
D) PROMAX (Probiotics): Active Ingredients – S. Cerevisiae, Bacillus spp., Lactobacillus spp.
2. MAMMA-SOMA: It’s a multi-functional, multi-purpose sow milk secretion stimulator that consists of 29 kinds of nutrients for increasing milk yield and litter size, extending the economic lifespan of sows, and improving weight uniformity and weaning weight in piglets.
3. AMINOX: Soma manufactures both proteinate and methionine chelate types of organic minerals.
Meet at Booth 1130
Acid Buf by Celtic Sea Minerals is a unique, Icelandic, plant-based marine mineral complex which contains bioavailable calcium and magnesium along with 72 other trace minerals.
4 research studies show that Acid Buf improves feed efficiency by an average of 7.5%.
Meet at Booth 1422
Samples of feces collected in the barn are used for reliable qPCR analysis of your flock’s pathogen status, which also provides continuous monitoring through an early warning system to prevent disease and improve production.
Meet at Booth 1451
These products are useful in:
Oxidative stress
Respiratory problems
External parasites
Meet at Booth 1351
Feed Flavors Asia presents in the exhibit:
1. POLACID: Organic and inorganic acid complex for broiler and swine
2. FEMAX 70-LG: Fat emulsifier for livestock and poultry, suitable for all animals
3. FFA PALA-TF: Tropical fruit flavors with high concentrations of sweeteners suitable for piglet, cattle, and premix
Meet at Booth 1233