VICTAM Asia and Health & Nutrition Asia opens today displaying revolutionary advancements in animal feed and health technology for the Asian market
The official event Opening starts at the V-Theater, Hall 9, IMPACT, Bangkok.
The VICTAM Asia, Health & Nutrition Asia and GRAPAS Asia event starts today until September 9, 2022, at IMPACT Halls 9 and 10, in Bangkok, Thailand. VICTAM International and VIV worldwide are ready to welcome top players, industry leaders, and global professionals to explore these 3 co-located trade fairs. More than 400 exhibitors are showcasing their latest solutions in animal feed, nutrition, genetics, health and veterinary technology, monitoring, and management.

Everything is set for an unmissable 3-day B2B event full of networking activities, business opportunities, and a rich content program. The distinctive growth in exhibition space and exhibitor numbers highlight the strong position of the show as a dedicated platform to launch the latest technologies and innovations in the field, meet and match with new partners, expand network connections and source some of the best products available in the Asian market.
Sharing his thoughts on the government perspective, Mr. Alongkorn Ponlaboot Advisor to the Ministry of Agricultural and Cooperatives, Thailand, said: “The rising demand for animal-sourced foods may also boost the Thailand compound feed market. In 2020, the value of the compound feed market in Thailand was nearly 9,000 million USD, and it is projected to reach almost 12,000 million USD by 2026, witnessing a CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period. As for the future of food industry in Thailand, the Thai cabinet approved an action plan for food processing industry development for 2019-2027 and a supporting budget of almost 183 million USD in 2020, along with the assessment that private sector would likely contribute an estimated 60 million USD. The plan aims to upgrade Thailand to become a hub of processed food in ASEAN and become one of the top 10 food exporters to the global market by 2027.”
“The Asia-Pacific region is the largest market for animal feed products. Southeast Asia is the world’s largest producer and exporter of pork. China is the most important market for pork producers, followed by Vietnam, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines” said Mr. Chayanon Kittayachaweng, Vice President of Thai Feed Mill Association. “Thailand’s compound feed market was valued at 8,984 million USD in 2020, and it is projected to reach 11,968 million USD by 2026, witnessing a CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period” he added.
“Through the fiscal year 2020 even with COVID’s ups and downs, Thailand still welcomed over 10 million MICE travelers, generating nearly 1,700 million USD in revenue for the country. TCEB believes that the qualified MICE workforce is what needs to be prepared at the current phase, not just for the post-COVID-19, but in order to promote the MICE industry throughout Thailand effectively in the long run.” Mrs. Nichapa Yoswee, Senior Vice President – Strategic Marketing and Business Development Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) said. “TCEB welcomes and will always provide our utmost efforts to support exhibitions run by VICTAM and VIV teams. These shows will set a new milestone for the industry and set the standard for future livestock exhibitions in 2023” Mrs. Nichapa added.
This significant event was inaugurated by eminent members of the industry, including:
• Mr. Alongkorn Ponlaboot, Advisor to the Ministry of Agricultural and Cooperatives, Thailand
• Mrs. Nichapa Yoswee, Senior Vice President – Strategic Marketing and Business Development Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB)
• Mr. Chayanon Kittayachaweng, Vice President, Thai Feed Mill Association
• Mrs. Birgit Horn, Managing Director of VIV worldwide, VNU Europe
• Ms. Panadda Kongma, Director of Agribusiness and Operations, VNU Asia Pacific
• Mr. Zhenja Antochin, Senior Event Manager, VNU Europe
• Mr. Joris Kaanen, Board of Director – VICTAM
• Mr. Sebas Van Ende, General Manager of VICTAM International
• Mr. Phusit Sasitaranondha, Managing Director of Expolink Global Network Co. Ltd.
VICTAM Asia in co-location with Health & Nutrition Asia 2022 and GRAPAS Asia 2022 is officially open from 7-9 September 2022 and hosted at the IMPACT Hall 9-10 in Bangkok, Thailand from 10:00-18:00 hrs.
The onsite registration is still available for all interested visitors. You can also complete the online registration at avoiding waiting onsite.
A free shuttle bus daily between BTS Mochit to IMPACT will be available from 7-9 September. You can reserve the schedule from this link at
For more information, please visit official websites and

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Press contacts:
- Mrs.Saengtip Techapatiphandee,, Marketing Manager VNU Asia Pacific
- Ms. Wichsiree Phonvichai, Marketing Manager, Expolink Global Network Ltd.
- Ms.Elena Geremia,, Senior Marcom Manager VIV worldwide
- Ms.Catelijne de Gooijer,, Marketing Manager, VICTAM
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