Lars Snijders is CEO of Framelco in The Netherlands. They produce and supply feed and drinking water additives for the poultry, swine, aqua and ruminant feed industries.
“We improve animal performance through better animal health, are specialized in gut health promotors and are continuously searching for solutions to reduce the use of antibiotics”, Lars says.
“We are satisfied with our current activity in the Asian market. Long-term relationships have always been important in our sector and I am proud of those we have established up till now.
We are positive towards the current market in Asia. Overall, the market is able to cope well with uncertainties and it has shown to be very resilient.

We have chosen to exhibit at VICTAM & Animal Health & Nutrition Asia, because of our partnership with VIV/VNU exhibitions. In addition, FRA and VIV are both headquartered in the Netherlands and hold office in Thailand. Moreover, VIV events are multi-species and focuses on all animal sectors in which FRA is active.
During the upcoming show in Bangkok, we will inform our partners in Asia and the audience about new products, product updates and latest developments. This tradeshow is an excellent opportunity for maintaining and creating relationships.