Consolidating relationships

Consolidating relationships

Results for "Framelco " “We improve animal performance through better animal health, are specialized in gut health promotors and are continuously searching for solutions to reduce the use of antibiotics.” Lars Snijders, CEO of Framelco in The Netherlands....


Exhibitors 首席执行官Rogier van Sambeek说:“我们有种类繁多的液体营养补充剂、清洁剂和消毒剂、雏鸡纸、饲料过热抑制剂和蹄护理剂等产品,为农民提供了完整的解决方案。” 来自荷兰的Kanters专门从事集约化畜牧中所使用的液体营养开发、制造和供应。 首席执行官Rogier van Sambeek说:“我们有种类繁多的液体营养补充剂、清洁剂和消毒剂、雏鸡纸、饲料过热抑制剂和蹄护理剂等产品,为农民提供了完整的解决方案。” 我们的解决方案保障动物健康和动物福利,并且兼顾农民的商业利润。...

Focus on reducing antibiotics

Exhibitors “Our extensive range of liquid nutritional supplements, cleaning and disinfecting agents, chick paper, feed overheating inhibitor and hoof care products, provides a complete solution for a farmer”, says CEO Rogier van Sambeek. Kanters from The Netherlands...